LSSC - Letter to the Community: 1/25/24

LSSC - Letter to the Community: 1/25/24
Posted on 01/26/2024

Greetings from the LS School Committee, 

We hope that you had a restful and restorative winter break!  We are now at the mid-point in the school year, with students engaged in mid-term exams. What follows are some highlights on the work of the School Committee since our last Newsletter in early December. 

  • LS remains committed to offering courses that educate the whole student and foster and environment in which students are engaged in understanding and respecting human difference.  The restructuring of the English curriculum to include more thematic courses (such as “Rulers and Rebels”) has introduced a broader and more diverse slate of authors and proven popular among students and faculty alike. In addition, the opening of the ‘Humanities Center,’ a collaboration between the History and English departments, provides a space in the building for students to work with their peers and with faculty, one of many ways in which LS is working to foster community. You can access a copy of the presentation on our website here.

  • We have identified increased community outreach and engagement as a goal of the School Committee this year. To that end we have continued to hold community listening sessions.  The next session will be on Tuesday, January 30 from 7:00–8:00 p.m. The purpose of the listening session is to give community members the opportunity to raise items with members of the Committee. In attendance will be Committee members Mary Warzynski and Cathie Bitter.

  • Looking ahead we have approved the School Calendar for the 2025-2026 School Calendar.  The calendar is posted on our website here

  • Finally, we are moving deeper into the budget season.  The first draft presentation of the budget was presented by Superintendent Stephens and Director of Finance & Operations Kirsteen Patterson on December 5th. A copy of that presentation can be found here. We held a public hearing on the budget on January 23 and will vote on the Budget in early February. 

Thank you for your support as we use school policies, the budget and community oversight to support and strengthen our school district. As always, we apricate input from families.  Please to not hesitate to attend a listening session or reach out directly. 


Lincoln Sudbury School Committee