LS Community Connections 10/26

LS Community Connections 10/26
Posted on 10/11/2023

5 Protective Factors for Addictions: What every parent should know

Thursday October 26, from 7:30-9:00 in the LS cafeteria

LS Community Connections is hosting an evening for parents to hear, think about, and discuss the five greatest factors that put our children at risk for addiction. These risk factors can also be used as PROTECTIVE ones when we know what they are and how to turn them to our own good.

Come to learn more about Connections and have the opportunity to talk with families in our district. We will cover many topics, including the conversations families may want to have with their children in and around substance use. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences or concerns in a safe environment, with the moderation of our School experts.

We invite you to enjoy and take advantage of this event, to become a resource for other families and to suggest future topics to be covered as well!