Kirsteen Patterson, Director of Finance and Operations Budget information Approval of LS FY23 Budget and Capital Items LS FY23 Budget Sudbury Town Meeting Presentation Open bids & solicitations Contract Cleaning RFP - FY2025 thru FY2029 Financial Aid Assistance Public Records Requests Facilities - Kevin Rossley, Director of Buildings and Grounds
Alicia Palmer Human Resources/Benefits Coordinator Title IX and Title VI Coordinator Title IX Training CORI Form - Volunteers/Coaches/New Hires/Contractors Employment Opportunities Benefit information - Active Employee Benefits - Retirees - Medicare Retirees 65+ Collective Bargaining Agreement for LS Teachers Association Support Staff Handbook 2022-2025 Infinite Visions Employee Portal Mass Teachers Retirement Middlesex County Retirement Employee Wellness - Employee Assistance Program through MIIA, Allone Health Teacher's Lane Change Request Form
Terry Dugan, Payroll Specialist Payroll Timesheet template Pay Schedule is the 15th and 30th (or last day of respective month) Reimbursement Form
Ivonne Henriquez, Assistant Treasurer/Accountant Teacher and Support Staff Course reimbursement forms School Fees and Payment School Meal account 2022-2023 MA Application for Free or Reduced Price School Meals Student Activity Account Information LSRHS Student Activity Policy and Guidelines SAA Withdraw Request Form CORI Form SAA Deposit Form Request for Recognition Fundraising Request Use of School Facilities Application