GAPP, the German American Partnership Program, and “enables cultural exchanges between schools in the US and Germany. Annually, about 9,000 students go abroad with a GAPP exchange. GAPP, Inc. is dedicated to the initiation and development of student exchange programs between the United States and Germany, inspiring intercultural understanding, promoting German language instruction and motivating personal friendships.”
PASCH Program, PASCH stands for the “Schools: Partners for the Future” initiative. It is a global network of some 1,800 schools that place a high value on German. PASCH is an initiative of the (German) Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA), the Goethe-Institut (GI), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Educational Exchange Service of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (PAD).
Through PASCH, students may attend courses in Germany, and may be eligible for scholarships to study at German Universities. Both students and teachers can make contact and improve their German and related knowledge with other German learners and speakers through Schools receive assistance in partnership-building and pupil exchange with schools in Germany. Partner schools network with German universities with a view to their graduates’ subsequent studies. German Universities welcome foreign students, and are significantly less expensive than the typical American university or college.