Please join us on Wednesday, October 9th at 7pm
for a World Café Discussion of the
2023 Metrowest Adolescent Health Survey Results
What are our students saying about their mental health?
What trends are we seeing in student’s substance use?
Is there an increase in LS Students reporting that they have vaped in the last month?
How many LS students report spending more than 3 hours on social media on an average school day?
These questions and more are addressed by the Metrowest Adolescent Health Survey, which monitors trends in health and risk behaviors among youth. We administer this survey every two years and the 2023 survey is the 9th administration of this survey by the Metrowest Health Foundation. The questions on the survey cover topics ranging from substance use to bullying to mental health, and on October 9th, the results from the 2023 survey will be shared in a World Café format presented by current LS students at 7:00 in the LS cafeteria.