Dear LS Students & Families:
Happy Tuesday! I am sending you two quick items:
1. EEE Update: We are working closely with the Sudbury Board of Health on mosquito surveillance and prevention. Sudbury currently remains at a moderate risk level for West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Given this moderate risk level and that the Town conducted "back pack" spraying at LS (good for 90 days), we are able to continue with outdoor activities as scheduled. We continue to work with the BOH to monitor this and will communicate any changes as they occur.
We encourage all athletes and attendees at the upcoming high school football game (on 9/20/24) to wear long sleeves and apply EPA-registered insect repellant as personal protective measures against mosquitos. Should our risk level change, we will collaborate with the Health Department on additional steps.
Sudbury BOH -- Youth Activities & Mosquito Control Prevention Tips
2. Berlin/Prague/Krakow Tour Information Session Tonight (9/17/24): History Teacher Tim Nikula, who is running this February Vacation LS trip, is holding an information session tonight (9/17/24) for anyone interested in participating. While we have over a dozen people who will be participating, we do need more participants in order to run the trip. If you are interested, please consider attending the information session tonight (7:00pm in LS Conference Room B). If you can't make the session, but are interested,
please see the Cold War Europe Tour - Berlin, Prague, Krakow and Budapest information page and email him directly if interested (
[email protected]).
Thank you and have a great day!
Andrew Stephens, LS Superintendent/Principal